
My randomness knows no titles

So today was another pseudo holiday here in Massachusetts as well as Red Sox Nation as this afternoon was the home opener for the Old Towne Team. Fenway Park showed off it's most recent off season improvements which saw the glass from the .406 club come down and really change the atmosphere behind home plate. The Sox are off to their best start in years, with a record of 6-1.

The craziness of it all is the fact that Bronson Arroyo the stick figured pitcher that the Red Sox traded to the Reds for Willy Mo Pena a few weeks back knocked his 2nd HR in as many starts so far this season taking Glendon Rusch deep each time. Here in Boston Willy Mo went 0 for 2 and had a blunder in the outfield as he knocked a Frank Catalanotto fly ball into the bullpen for a homerun. But on the bright side the Sox are 6 up and 1 down so I guess at this point I am fishing for things to complain about.

A bit closer to home everything is going well. Home? Where is home? I'm not quite sure these days as I am still moving the last of my belongings out of my old abode into the new hotspot I am sharing with the one and only Ms. C. We had a great weekend which included some hiking of Mt. Wachusett. The hikes will be even sweeter in the coming weeks as the leaves begin to pop out of their ever swelling buds.

The past two weeks we have been tanning in anticipation of the upcoming Coachella/Joshua Tree trip. I am sporting a nice cinnamon color right now as a result of the UV lights. My skin should be nice and ripe for a desert scorching in the coming weeks. While I am on the subject of the camping trip let me warn you not to purchase the self inflating camp mat made by Greatland and sold at Target. This piece of shite comes with no instructions, but according to the box it self inflates in seconds. This pad seems to do nothing more than slowly fill up with the smallest bit of air, maybe about 10% of capacity. It so does not live up to the hype, or the expectations that you see on the outer box. This thing is a total buzzkill and will be returned to Target with the quickness. Spend the extra money and get a pad from REI or EMS not this thing from Target.

In Howard Stern news the show is on vacation this week but Sirius seems to be handling the situation well, airing a variety of replay shows throughout the day. There are some news reports indicating that Carmen Electra may be dismissed from her Max Factor contract as a result of riding the Sybian (with her panties on) in studio last week. Talk about lame!

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