
Offer Accepted

I just want to prepare my you my dear readers. Get ready to get on the roller coaster that is 4rilla and Ms. C. buy their first place. After going back to the condo of our affections this weeked for another look-see we made an offer.

After a little bit of give and take we found out late this afternoon that our offer was accepted. Trying to close a week before Christmas. I'll do my best to keep up to date as we progress. I know through our house hunting I liked finding people who were blogging about their homebuying experiences so I hope to share the trials and tribulations and the signing of the documents right here in this space.

Tomorrow we have to call our mortgage guy and give him the go ahead to proceed now that the offer was accepted. Schedule the home inspection, line up the down payment and unearth a ton of paperwork. Now that these plans are solid Ms. C. and I are both happy that we took on the 2nd job as that extra cash flow will be coming in super handy. Luckily the house is coming with all the bells and whistles intact including 2 flat screen HD tv's, king size bed and matress, leather living room sleeper sectional and an 8 seat pub style dining room table. But there will be a bit of painting and decorating going on thats for sure.

The brand new furniture was a nice addition to the sale, especially moving in December in Massachusetts. Plus that will allow us to try to sell alot of our furniture from the current apartment on craigslist and use that money for paint and odds and ends that we need at the new place.

Cross you fingers, lets hope that everything works out,, and I will keep you posted.


Troy said...

grab me a beck's from the fridge

CT said...

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!

Sixty-Four Dollar Question said...

it looks lovely! NICE appliances.

4rilla said...

Thanks everyone!!

Yeah Linsay, the appliances are sweet!!!

I'll be keeping everyone posted!