
Are You Ready For Some Football??

About an hour till kickoff of the NFC title tilt at Soldier Field, so I thought I would throw some picks out there on the interwebs.

I say take the road dog in each game today. The weather would need to be a bit colder today in Chicago to have a negative effect on The Saints. The Bears peaked much too early this season and I look for The Saints to score a strong 31-20 victory.

In the late game The Patriots will once again show that they turn it on when it matters and that is in the playoffs. The Patriots depleted defense will have to play tough and try to neutralize the passing game of Manning, Wayne and Harrison. As long as they can make sure that Manning can't go downfield at will and apply adequate pressue The Pats should be good. There isn't much of a reason to think that Brady will not continue his record of being undefeated in domes along with being 12-1 in the postseason. Patriots take it, 27-24.

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