
Good Thing Opening Day Is Only Once A Year

Because if the Red Sox continue playing like they did today it will be a mighty long summer. I think Crystal might like baseball on Tivo as I just watched a 2 hour and 50 minute Sox game in about 8 minutes on Tivo. But when you are getting your butts handed to you by the Kansas City Royals it is pretty easy to keep fast forwarding. I see Curt Schilling did not blog post game over at 38pitches. It will be intresting to see how his blogging evolves over the course of the season.

Catching the end of the NCCA championship game right now, looks like I made the right choice picking Florida at the start of the tourney. Once this game is over I am off to bed.

Got some stuff done around the house over the weekend, cleaned off the deck, disposed of the old patio set that came with the place, fired up the grill for the first time ect... Also picked up the Tullero set pictured above at Ikea over the weekend but we have not put it together yet. I have to make a eturn trip on my way home from work on Thursday as they were out of the outdoor captain's chairs I want as well as some shelves from the PS line.


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