
Chaunce Hayden = Liar

I won't bore you with all the details, but I know some of you who will read this are Howard Stern fans.

If you are not a hard core listener you may not have noticed that Chaunce Hayden from Stepping Out magazine is no longer part of the show? Long story short he was pretty much the mouth that started the whole Howard - Sirius - SEC Investigation drama some months back. Ever since then Chaunce has been persona non grata on the show ever since.

Well Chaunce still has a hard on for Stern and tries to grab the limelight whenever available. Just check out this link. It goes on to detail how Chaunce contacted Richard Johnson of Page Six in the Post and claimed a internet message board post from ex-show regular Billy West was a "quote" from an interview he did with Billy.

How low can you be Chaunce?

Follow the link to HowardShrine to see the post in question.

Howard Shrine

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