
A Score At The Adidas Outlet

I had to shoot by the Wrenthem Outlets after work today. Crystal and I are heading up to New Hampshire this weekend for some camping, hiking and relaxation in the Crawford Notch area and I had to pick up a thing or two at the Coleman Store Outlet. I wandered into the Adidas Outlet to see what was doing, and lo and behold I must have timed it just right. They had 5 racks of all "sample" items for $9.95 each. There was no rhyme or reason to what was to be found on the racks, everything still had these big sample cards on them and most items had a "sample" label sewn inside as well. I found quite a few hidden gems, I was able to grab both a South Africa and Namibia and South Africa Soccer Jerseys, a Japan World Cup Greatest Moments Throwback jersey, a couple retro England World Cup Tshirts that celebrate the '66 World Cup, a cool Cassius Clay stiched tshirt from the Adidas Muhammed Ali collection as well as a few other items. Sweet deals for $9.95 each!

Heading to my parents after work tomorrow, will wish my father an early Happy Father's Day since I won't be around over the weekend. I haven't seen my parents in a couple months so it will be nice to go down there tomorrow. I wonder if Mom is making anything good for dinner.

I'll be back late Sunday with plenty of pictures from up in New Hampshire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

too bad, i thought maybe the yellow and green one was brasil