
Labor Daze

I'll be the first to admit that week one of Operation Early Bird was a tremendous success. Each morning this week Crystal and I were able to spring out of bed at 5:00am and be stepping on the eliptical by 5:30, then returning home for a quick shower and out the door. I will say I have actually been running about 5 minutes earlier each morning on this new schedule, and I haven't really had any ill effects sleep wise or anything. We are granting ourselves the morning off tomorrow, therefore I just poured myself a nice tall vodka and sprite. The struggling Red Sox playing on the left coast behind me. Well actually the tv is off to my left.

Are you doing anything interesting for Labor Day? We are camping at Mount Greylock on Saturday and Sunday evenings. The goal is to take a couple decent hikes, snap some good photos, have a few beers around the fire (even though alcohol is not allowed in Mass. State Parks) cook up some interesting camp concoctions and share some great company under the stars. Should be a very nice way to spend a 3 day weekend.

Poor Ms. C is going to be subjected to the Howard Stern Return of The Tapes/ Listener All Request Labor Day Weekend extravaganza on Howard100. From what I have heard the all request portion of the weekend starts Friday afternoon so the drive out to Adams as well as the return trip will be tuned to Sternie Dukes the whole way. There is also the chance of us going to The Woodstock Fair in CT on Friday night. Crystal goes every year from what I have heard and Joan Jett is playing on Friday night. If we do go I'll have the camera in full effect.

Greylock Wiki
Luke Teo Visits Greylock
Greylock Official Site

1 comment:

CT said...

I'm going to the lake!!!!... have fun man...