Just found this on Twitter and thought that it would be of note for Worcesterites.
Whole Foods responded to a question via twitter if they have any plans to open up a store in Worcester. Unfortunately you can see their response which is that they have no plans to open a store in Worcester in the next two years. Which basically means we are not on their radar, which is a shame being the 2nd largest city in New England and all.
If you want your fix of grain fed bison it looks like you will still have to trek out to the suburbs. I will commend Whole Foods for having a very active twitter account that they use daily to answer customer questions on though!
Who needs WF when we got pricerite.
Good find!
I'm a big proponent of grass fed beef for so many reasons. Our choices are quite limited in Worcester. Maybe Trader Joes might make a bigger statement?
I'm sure Price Rite on Southbridge Street has grass fed squirrel...
You and anybody else who thinks they know food wouldn't know grass feed beef from roadkill.
It's very telling that market research indicates that Worcester, a city of what 175,000, can't support one Whole Foods store.
Telling, sad and discouraging all rolled into one!
i'd settle for a trader joe's in the leominster area.
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