
The Great White Hope

I think I've seen this with the Celtics before. Today Danny Ainge pulled the switch and sent Ricky Davis, Mark Blount, Marcus Banks, Justin Reed and some draft picks out of town for Wally Szczerbiack, Michael Olowokandie and Dwayne Jones. Seems the Celtics are out to appeal to the fans of Southie with this deal.

Sorry Lindsay, I guess your chances of seeing Wally at Target have just been diminished!

Lindsay And Wally

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We played Houston last night and even though Ricky Davis seemed to have proved his skills, things were not the same without Wally. Then of course they had to show a picture of Wally in a Celtics uniform and if I cried in public, I would have. Though he does look quite striking in green and white...brings out the cheek bones.